Livingstone Newsletter
October - Week 4
Friday 25th October
Today we welcome back our Year 6 pupils who went on their residential trip to PGL in the Isle of Wight. They set off for their school journey on Monday morning and travelled by coach to Portsmouth to catch a ferry over to Fishbourne where they not long after arrived at PGL for a week to remember.
It was full of fun and amazing day activities such as Abseiling, Sensory Trail, Giant Swing, Zip Wire, Buggy Building and Jacobs Ladder to name a few. At night they sang their hearts out around the Campfire, danced their socks off in the Disco and sneaked around SAS style for Ambush.
Parents/carers, we hope you enjoy listening to your children when they get home about the memories they have made and the new skills they have developed over the course of the week.... it's a worthwhile trip!
Thank you to Mr Boucon, Mrs Armstrong, Mrs Church and Mr Madle who we are certain have had just as much fun as the children but are probably feeling a lot more tired. A weekend of rest will be enjoyed by them all!
Please see below in our Year 6 section of the Newsletter for some incredible photos!
PTA Spooky Party

Thank you to everyone who gave up their time and helped make this year's Spooky Party a spooktacular success! Lina Cavozzi, Georgina Mace and Diane led an amazing group of parents and carers who spent hours preparing in advance and then making sure the children were able to play lots of games and have scary spa treatments.
Also, thank you to Mr Sudbury for making the school look amazing and to Mr Madle for being DJ.
Finally thank you to Charlotte Gosling for the time she puts in before and after every event.
After expenses, the party raised just over £1500 for the school.
Tombstone Tombola
Thanks to the generosity of parents/carers we managed to make just under £100 from the Tombstone Tombola.
Evelin from Reception won top prize, the Magic Mixies.
Elodie (Rec), Yasmine (Yr2), Scarlett (Yr5), Deni (Yr4), Lukas (Yr5), Samuel (Nur) and Matteus (Yr3) were runners up and each received a prize.
Comedy Night is Back!
Exciting Announcement! Due to the last year's success, we are hosting another comedy night fundraiser for over 18's only.
We are looking forward to welcoming back our comedy host for the evening, Joe Bor (Milo's Dad in Year 4) and can't wait for the hilarious talents of Esther Manito (Live at the Apollo) and Hal Cruttenden (Mock of the Week).
Tickets are available on School Money now for purchase at £15 per ticket. You will not want to miss out so be quick to avoid disappointment.
Join us for a night of laughter!
New School Meals Menu (starting 4/11/24)
Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery
What an exciting last week we had! We have been learning all about spiders and Halloween! Also, continuing with our Black History theme, we read the African traditional tale 'Anansi' about how that greedy spider got his long, skinny legs and created lovely artwork. The children also practised counting up to 8 for Anansi's eight legs.
The children also did lovely role-playing, dressing up as spiders, witches, ghosts and skeletons. We read many Halloween-themed stories, including 'Pumpkin soup', '5 little pumpkins' and sang the 'Roly Poly Pumpkin' song and '5 Little Pumpkins, Smiling, Smiling'
During the half term break, please continue to share and enjoy stories with your children and give them opportunities to make marks. We are looking forward to hearing all about their little adventures next Monday!
Have a restful week!
Reception have enjoyed the last couple of weeks discovering the world around them in Autumn. We have been learning about celebrations and how and why different people celebrate. We have enjoyed our own celebrations of Halloween, partying, dressing up, decorating and exploring pumpkins.
The children have been trying really hard in every area of learning and have made such excellent progress this half term. We hope you all have a lovely break!
Over the holidays, please continue to support your children with daily reading, practising their sounds daily and name writing.
Here is a link to some 'Fred Games' that you can watch and play with your children to support their oral blending.
Achievement awards go to:
Lui who can write his name independently.
Miley for always being enthusiastic and sharing ideas.
Year 1
Year 1 learnt all about algorithms in Computing this week. Have a go at Scratch Jr. over the holidays; it’s a free child- friendly app. Perhaps the children can show you how to code 2 sprites! In our Maths lessons we explored finding one more and one less than a number. We have completed phonics assessments, so your child may be on a different colour for their Read Write Inc book. Please continue to read for 10 minutes every day and practise the sounds in their sound books. In our English lessons we have enjoyed listening to and reciting poetry by Grace Nichols. The pupils are excited to perform Give Yourself a Hug on the first Friday back after half-term. Have a restful week!

Achievement awards go to Murat and Isabelle for their positive behavior for learning and excellent progress they’ve made this half-term.
Year 2
Year 2 have been adding two-digit numbers with one-digit and two-digit numbers. We have been drawing our dienes to work it out which also helps our place value knowledge. We have been completing RWI comprehensions in English. This week, our foundation block has been Computing. We have been learning about algorithms and the children have really enjoyed programming codes using Beebots, J2Code and Scratch.
Here are some links the children can use at home so they can continue to practise creating algorithms:
We will be participating in the Barnet Infant Music Festival first week back so please keep singing at home.
Practise at home - festivals/imf/practise-at-home/ - password Beegu!
Maths- 26 and 27, 28 is optional.
Reading- 16 and 17.

Laiba for her hard work and great efforts in Maths and Arshin for his excellent enthusiasm and skill in our computing lessons.
Kingfisher 1
In Maths this week we continued our learning on 2D shapes. We learnt all about the properties that 2D shapes have - one dimension and no thickness.
In English we started our new story, Oi! Get off our Train! The children enjoyed retelling the story through role play and using colourful semantics.
This week's award goes to Levi for his brilliant phonics blending and positive attitude every day.
Year 3
We have been very creative this week in Year 3. We were story writers, artists and mathematicians. This week’s highlights have been making our own paint using cooking ingredients and creating our own cave wall to paint on.
Brain Booster homework has been sent out. It is due in on Wednesday 20th November.
Maths Practice Journal: page 20-21 (page 22 is optional)
CGP Punctuation: pages 14 and 15
Please read for 20 minutes every day over the half term
TTRS: Please practise 2-, 5-, 10s- and 3-times3 times tables.

Diane- Determination
Cody- Resilience
Nora- Kindness and helpfulness
Leo- Improvement in his story writing.
Year 4
Year 4 have had a very busy couple of weeks fitting in swimming alongside Maths, English and Religious Education.
In Maths, Year 4 have been recapping addition and subtraction while incorporating it with the column method and exchanging. In English, the children have written emotive letters as the boy in our current stimulus 'Into the Forest' by Anthony Browne. In RE, the children have finished learning about symbolism in Christianity, Islam, Sikhism and Hinduism.
Swimming has been very successful and the children have all made so much progress. We hope they will continue to enjoy swimming with you so they continue to build upon all they have learnt.
The children have had a great first half term and have settled into Year 4 really well. We have enjoyed getting to know them and are looking forward to next half term.
Have a lovely half-term.
Homework pages
Maths: pages 20 and 21
Reading: pages 18 and 19
Please encourage your child to go onto TTR and Nessy (if they have it) everyday for 10-15 minutes.
Brain Boosters has also come home with your child, today.
This week's achievement awards go to Isabelle for her wonderful emotive letter in English and Samyar, for his excellent attitude towards his learning. Well done, to you both!
Year 5
This week in Maths, the children learned about multiples and factors.
In English, they wrote their fairytale recounts from the villains' point-of-view - and did a wonderful job!
In Computing, they coded their own algorithms for our Black History Month poem, Windrush Child by John Agard. They had to decompose the poem into small steps and debug any errors.
Homework due by Weds 6th November
Maths: pages 21 and 22 (multiplication and division A)
Reading: pages 24-25 (Weird News This Week)

This week's awards go to Soroiyan for her excellent fairytale recount, and to Zak for always having a positive attitude towards his learning - well done!
Year 6
Year 6 have been having an incredible week on the Isle of Wight at PGL!
They have all had so many personal achievements and accomplishments. We are so proud of them!

To all of Year 6 for a week of bravery, determination, resilience, independence and incredible teamwork!
Kingfisher 2
This week in English we have been learning about the topic of Black History. We have enjoyed exploring the stories Counting on Katherine and Sulwe and we also learnt about the life of Mary Seacole.
In Maths we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes and their properties. We practised sorting shapes and making patterns with them.

This week's award goes to Andreas for great partner work whilst making a poster about Mary Seacole.
Years 2/3 Gymnastic Festival
Some of our Years 2 and 3 children attended a dance and gymnastic festival on Tuesday. They had lots of fun demonstrating their balancing and travelling skills as well as showing off their dance moves in a dance routine they learnt. We were impressed with how they represented our school, and we were even complimented on our excellent participation.
HALF TERM - Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November 2024
Monday 4th:
- Start of Autumn 2 Term - pupils return
- Activity Clubs begin for Autumn 2 (please make sure you have booked for clubs)
Thursday 7th:
- Year 2 Music Festival - PM
- Years 5/6 Netball Match (Livingstone vs Christ Church) 3:30pm
Friday 8th:
- Parent Champion Coffee Morning, 9am in The Cabin
- Year 5/6 Girls Football Competiton - PM
Monday 11th:
- Year 1 IMPACT Meeting for Parents/Carers, 8:50 - 9:20am
- KF2 trip to Cinema - PM
Tuesday 12th:
- Year 2 IMPACT Meeting for Parents/Carers, 8:50 - 9:20am
- KF1 trip to Cinema - AM
- Years 5/6 Netball Competition at Copthall (small group of pupils)
Wednesday 13th:
- Reception IMPACT Meeting for Parents/Carers, 8:50 - 9:30am
Thursday 14th:
- Year 5 IMPACT Meeting for Parents/Carers, 8:50 - 9:20am
- Years 5/6 Girls Football Match (Whitings Hill vs Livingstone) 3:30pm
Friday 15th:
- Year 6 IMPACT Meeting for Parents/Carers, 8:50 - 9:20am
- Years 5/6 Mixed League Football Match (Livingstone vs Woodridge) 3:30pm
Use this link to visit our School Calendar 23/24 for further dates next term.
We now have some of the Christmas dates included.