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Livingstone Newsletter

September Week 4

Friday 27th September

This Week at Livingstone

It’s been another exciting and productive week at school! The children have been practising their songs for the upcoming Harvest Festival, and we’re looking forward to sharing their beautiful performances soon.

This week, Mrs. Phelan led an inspiring assembly on our theme of Responsibility, encouraging the children to reflect on how they can make positive contributions in their daily lives.

Year 6 enjoyed an exciting Shakespeare workshop focused on Twelfth Night. They explored characters, themes, and scenes through engaging drama activities, which brought the play to life in a fun and interactive way.

Meanwhile, Reception had a special treat with a visit from a tiger!

We’ve also started preparing for Black History Month. All pupils will be studying a famous Black poet and creating their own poetry inspired by them.


Parent/Carer Consultations

Parent/Carer Consultations for all year groups will take place on Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th October 2024 as follows:

Wednesday 9th:

KS1 Parent/Carer Consultations - 9:00 - 11:30am

KS2 Parent/Carer Consultations - 12:30 - 3:00pm

Thursday 10th:

Nursery Parent/Carer Consultations - 9:00am - 12:00pm / 4:30 - 6:30pm

Reception Parent/Carer Consultations - 12:30 - 3:00pm / 4:30 - 6:30pm

KS1 and KS2 Parent/Carer Consultations - 4:00 - 6:30pm

Parents/Carers of all year groups will receive a form link via text message on Monday 30th September after 6pm to book a consultation time with their child's class teachers. Please book as soon as possible.

Parents/Carers of Kingfisher pupils, please use the form links to book a consultation with your child's mainstream class teacher. If you would like to arrange a consultation with your child's Kingfisher teacher, please speak with them directly.

One Voice Choirs - Barnet Educational Arts Trust


Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery

Another busy week continues in Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery! We continue to welcome new pupils and they have all been settling in well. Our theme of Autumn has officially started, so we have been exploring the natural world and noticing the changes happening around us.

We have started another of our core books this half term, the ever popular: Brown Bear Brown Bear. We have been enjoying the animals and the colours in this story and retelling in in different ways.

Please make sure that all children have a change of clothes in school as the weather means that outdoor play can often be wet.



Another great week in Reception class! We have been having fun with 'Fred' the phonics frog and we have learnt 4 new sounds this week. Now we have learnt 'm,a,s,d,t, i and n'. Soon, all of the children will bring home a book to practice daily.

The children are listening really well at carpet times and are enjoying the short sessions. We have been talking about rules, learning about how to follow the rules at Livingstone School and understanding why we have them.

This week we have started attending school assemblies, started to notice the changes that happen around us in Autumn, enjoyed the pond area (please remember wellies!) and even had our first mystery reader! Please please please sign up! See Mrs Mills with the signup sheet.

We are looking forward to receiving your family photos and hope to see as many as possible for our first read with me in the school library on Wednesday morning!

Talking homework: Go on an autumn walk and chat about the changes that are happening in nature (bonus points if you collect and bring some autumn objects! conkers, acorns, pine cones etc)

Year 1

Year 1 are budding artists! They are really enjoying exploring drawing different kinds of lines and creating their own geometric art. In our Maths lessons we are comparing numbers using the vocabulary of greater, less than or equal to using practical resources. We are starting Set 2 sounds in our phonics lessons. The children are really trying to form their letters correctly and even beginning to write simple sentences. We had our first mystery reader this week as well!


Achievement awards go to Ayva and Vinny for their creative geometric art!

Year 2

Year 2 are continuing to complete RWI Comprehensions in our English lessons. In Maths, we have compared and ordered two-digit numbers. We have also been counting in steps of 10 and 2. Year 2 have really enjoyed learning about the Great Fire of London. They can explain how the fire started and why it spread so quickly. In addition, we have been having weekly PSHE lessons where we have discussed our emotions, participated in circle times and discussed the difference between spending money on things we want and things we need.


Maths- pages 13 and 14. 15 is optional.

Reading- pages 8 and 9.

This week's awards go to George for his great participation in History and being very knowledgeable and Evan for his super effort in Reading and always trying his best.

Kingfisher 1

In Maths this week we have been counting with money in preparation for our shopping trip to the local Sainsbury. The children participated in the role play activities involving buying and paying at the till. They experimented with different coins pretending to pay for the selected items.

In English we went on our shopping trip in line with the story 'The shopping basket'. The children were able to select the items they wanted to buy and paid for them at the tills. It was a lovely shopping experience.


This week's achievement award goes to Sergio for his blending and reading. Well done Sergio!

Year 3

In Maths we have been identifying numbers on a number line which came in pretty handy in our History lessons this week here we have been exploring timelines. We are beginning to gain a greater understanding about when events took place and that the Stone Age was over 3.3 million years ago.

In English, we completed our first long write in Year 3. The standard has been amazing!


Year 3 Achievement Certificates this week go to:

Arianna O – For showing resilience in her Maths learning.

Liam – For his efforts in English

Well done!

Year 4

It has been a busy week in Year 4. In Maths, the children have been analysing number lines and comparing numbers up to 10,000. In English, they have been consolidating their previous learning on time adverbials and direct speech ready for their first long write, next week.

In D&T, they have designed their spooky figure that they are going to make with a moving part incorporating all they have learnt about 'Levers and Linkages'.

Homework (please only complete the pages below)

Maths - pages 10 and 11 (page 12 is optional)

Reading - pages 6 and 7


This week's achievement awards go to Milo for his contributions to class discussions, and Yvette for her work in Design and Technology. Well done to you both!

Year 5

This week, the children learned about rounding in Maths.

In English, they practised starting sentences in different ways, creating tension and punctuating direct speech ready for their story writing next week.

In Geography, they learned the features of rivers and studied the River Thames and River Seine.

Reminder for Tuesday: your child needs a packed lunch and a coat for our trip (as it's forecast to rain).

Homework due on Weds 2nd Oct

Maths: pages 10 - 11 (rounding)

Reading: pages 18 - 19 (Recipe for French Toast)


This week's awards go to Eva for creating a tense, mysterious atmosphere in English and to Ryan for his enthusiasm during our Geography lessons on rivers - well done!

Year 6

This week, Year 6 participated in an incredible Shakespeare workshop with the Young Shakespeare Company, where both they and the children performed a rendition of Twelfth Night.

In maths, we have been focusing on multiplication, and in English, we have been exploring a variety of grammatical features for our writing. This week, we have also begun our science topic on living things and their habitats.


Arithmetic: Long multiplication pages 15 and 16

Reading: question set 2 pages 8 and 9

This week's achievement awards go to Elia for her excellent work on parenthesis in English, and to Lukas for his great questioning in science. Well done!

Kingfisher 2

This week in Maths we have been looking at addition. We have been using different physical resources to create our number bonds and have looked at the related fact families.

In English, we have started looking at our new topic of Autumn. When the rain finally stopped, we took a trip to the pond area to look at nature in Autumn and thought of some matching vocabulary. We really enjoyed our time exploring and using our senses.

This week's award goes to Mario for brilliant times tables work. Well done Mario!


Diary dates


Monday 30th:

  • Black History Month


Monday 7th:

  • INSET Day - School closed to pupils

Tuesday 8th:

  • KS2 Cross Country Competition (small group of pupils)

Wednesday 9th:

  • Flu Nasal Spray for Rec - Y6 pupils
  • KS1 Parent Consultations - AM (more information to follow)
  • KS2 Parent Consultations - PM (more information to follow)

Thursday 10th:

  • Nursery and Reception Parent Consultations - Afternoon and Evening (more information to follow)
  • KS1 and KS2 Parent Consultations - Evening (more information to follow)

Friday 11th:

  • Parent Champion Coffee Morning, 9-10 am in The Cabin - All parents/carers invited

Use this link to visit our School Calendar 24/25 for further dates this term.


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