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June Week 4

Newsletter—Re-opening of school Monday June 1st 

Friday 29th May

Dear Parents / Carers,

Today we have been working in school completing the preparations for the re-opening of the school for Nursery, Reception, Year 1, Year 6 and Key Worker pupils on Monday.

Please ensure that you read this letter carefully as it sets out the instructions which will enable the school to re-open and operate, while keeping everyone as safe as possible.

Preferably one parent/carer only should drop off and collect on time at the designated points.

If parents/carers arrive early, please use the grass verge across the road and do not congregate outside the school gates or line up along the pavement. Please maintain physical distancing and leave immediately.

All the areas are clearly sign-posted and, when you do leave, please ensure that you follow the arrows in one direction to allow for social distancing and no contact. 

Year Group

Drop Off / Collection Point

Drop Off Time

Collection Time

Nursery AM

Outside Early Years Gate

9.00 am

11.30 am

Nursery PM

Outside Early Years Gate

12.30 pm

3.00 pm


Outside Early Years Gate

8.40 am

2.40 pm

Year 1

Main Playground

8.50 am

2.50 am

Year 6

Straight to class (Parents must leave them outside the school gate and they should go into the playground  and their class independently)

9.30 am

3.30 pm


Kingfisher Playground through 1st yellow gate next to school office.

9.10 am


Key Workers

Nightingale Class Door in KS2 Playground

By arrangement


Parents will not be permitted to enter the school office unless an appointment has been made. Please email or leave a telephone message if you urgently need to speak to someone on Monday. Where possible all communication will take place by email or by phone. Parents wishing to make payments should use our electronic payment system. Parents needing to make cash payments will need to make arrangements with the office.

Pupils have the option to wear uniform, summer uniform or PE kit including trainers. As they will be spending a significant amount of time outside, they should make sure that they have sunhats and sun lotion. Please supply your child with their own water bottles. Please make sure they have clean washed clothes for every day they attend. We have a supply of good quality nearly new and new uniform available which can be purchased by contacting the office.

Hot school dinners are available for everyone, but pupils can choose to bring a packed lunch if they prefer. We will continue to provide food packages for those pupils who are learning at home and for those attending part-time.



We will be taking the temperature of all pupils using a distance thermometer. If a pupil’s temperature exceeds 37.8C or if they require close medical care, they will be taken to an area safely away from others  escorted by staff wearing appropriate PPE.

If a pupil or member of staff displays COVID-19 symptoms, they will go to a safe designated medical space where they will have their temperature checked. The pupil will remain there until the parent arrives to collect them. Pupils will have to be tested, and not permitted to return to school unless they have a negative test result.


Personal Protective Equipment

Although the Department for Education has advised that the use of Personal Protective Equipment is not required, we have PPE available for our staff so they can stay protected. Do not be alarmed if a member of staff meets you wearing PPE as staff have been offered this as part of their return to work.


Other key information

With regret, at this time we are not able to offer breakfast or after school club provision.

Please try to avoid public transport if possible

Children from Years 2, 3, 4 and 5 will  continue to receive learning grids and work from home

Please do not come into school if your child is in Yr 2, Yr 3, Yr 4 or Yr 5

Please do not bring your child into school on Monday if you have not been allocated that date as your start date.

Parents of pupils in  Nur, Rec, Yr 1 and Yr6 who are eligible for a place but have opted to keep their child/ren at home, must contact the school if they would like to take up their place. Please do not bring your child/ren in on Monday.

Please note that these arrangements are dependent on updates from the Department for Education. These are ever changing and we may have to adjust all of these provisions for the future. It is very important that we cooperate and that all pupils and parents/carers follow the guidelines given by the government. Given the seriousness of the situation and the risk posed by anyone not following the guidelines, pupils or parents/carers who refuse to comply will be asked to leave the school premises.  For pupils this could result in an exclusion, for parents/carers this could result in a possible caution and fine from the police.

If you would like to see a copy of the risk assessment carried out to enable us to open the school, a copy is available on the school website.

We look forward to seeing some of your children on Monday and please stay safe.

Giovanna Phelan


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