Mathematics is a creative and highly interconnected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment.
Click her for the National Curriculum for Mathematics:
Maths at Livingstone
At Livingstone Primary and Nursery school we provide children with a broad and balanced Maths curriculum which encourages curiosity and inspires them through purposeful maths activities.
The National Curriculum provides the framework for the teaching of Mathematics at Livingstone school. Wherever possible, links will be made to other curriculum areas and computing used to enable pupils to apply and develop their numerical skills.
We follow a curriculum based on the recommendations of the National Centre of Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) and use the White Rose guidance materials to teach for mastery. This incorporates the following skills: fluency, reasoning and problem solving. These skills are supported using a Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract (CPA) approach.
We regularly use a variety of practical resources and ICT. Some of the children’s favourites include: Numicon, Times Tables Rock Stars, Probots and Beebots.
For a more detailed overview of what topics are taught in each year group please refer to the Curriculum Map in the Curriculum Booklet.
Below are the White Rose Calculation guidance documents. These demonstrate different models, representations and methods that we use in our school to teach Maths.
Curriculum Overview
Times tables Rockstars is an exciting programme we use to practise times tables. It combines the skills of multiplication and division, whilst getting the children to increase in skill and accuracy.
During school, the children complete paper challenges throughout the week and aim to beat their score or time. Children from Years 2 to 6 have the opportunity to earn a space on one of our great trips or reward experience earnt by putting lots of effort into their times tables.
Half-termly, the children take part in 'Battle of the Bands' where they compete to see which class can score more points. The children enjoy the friendly competition and strive to become the most valuable players.
At home, please encourage your child to use the Rock stars website to play the times tables games. They can earn points to buy new clothes and accessories for their rock star avatar. Also, look out for their name in the Hall of Fame.