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Personal Social Health Economic (PSHE) curriculum

PSHE education is a school curriculum subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy, safe and prepared for life and work.

Click here for the National Guidance for PSHE https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/personal-social-health-and-economic-education-pshe/personal-social-health-and-economic-pshe-education  

You can also look at the statutory guidance for PSHE by clicking the links below. 

Relationship Eduction

Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing

Curriculum Overview

School Council

Each year our School council enjoy running charity events to help the local and global communities.The children meet at the beginning of the school year and decide which charities they would like to support. They ask their class mates for ideas of fundraising activities that they could do. 

The children have organised a bake sale to raise money for the RSPCA, they have organised a whole school planting day to support the wildlife trust and they have organised a reverse advert. During the reverse advent the whole school got involved by bringing in a dry or canned good that was then donated to the local homeless shelter. They have also organised a fundraising cinema night for the charity, 'Spread your Wings'. 

The School council is made up of two members of each class voted for by their classmates on our polling day.  They play an important role in school life.  They represent the views of the pupils in weekly meetings and put their ideas for change forward to the head teacher.

This year our chair of governors presented the children with their official school council badges.

Junior Travel Ambassador Award

We take part in the Junior Travel Ambassador Scheme run by Transport for London. Our JTAs help to encourage road safety and sustainable travel throughout the school. They do this through assemblies, running competitions and events and maintaining their own notice board.

jta logo

Healthy Schools Award

We have achieved the Bronze Award for Healthy Schools

Bronze Award
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